Ballina Shire Council  6686 4444 
After Hours 6626 6954
Rates Enquiries 6686 1299 
Civil Services Group  6686 1497 
Waste Management Centre 6686 1287
Building Enquiries 6686 1415
Planning Development Enquiries 6686 1254
Environmental Health Enquiries 6686 1210
Road Closures 6686 1498
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Postal Address The General Manager
Ballina Shire Council
PO Box 450
Ballina  NSW  2478
Street Address 40 Cherry Street
Ballina  NSW  2478
Business Hours 8.15am to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday
closed all public holidays

Levels of Service for Drinking Water and Wastewater

Council aims to meet agreed levels of service when managing drinking water, recycled water and wastewater systems. The levels of service enable Council to set priorities and to balance things such as reliability, responsiveness and costs.

While minimum standards in some areas such as water quality, noise, odour and sludge management are covered by statutory and license requirements, the community may desire levels of service, which are more stringent than the regulatory requirements. These levels of service may be seen as reflecting local community aspirations.

There are also operational levels of service relating to service reliability, responsiveness to complaints, etc, which are not covered by regulation.

The levels of service which Council aims to achieve are documented in our Delivery Program and Operational Plan.

It should be noted that while the Levels of Service are the target that Council aims to meet, they are not intended as a formal customer contract. Rather, Council’s responsibility is to achieve these levels and then to achieve them more cost effectively through a process of continual improvement.


There are four overhead water filling stations in the Ballina Shire:

  • Kays Lane, Russelton Industrial Estate Alstonville
  • 81-95 Southern Cross Drive, Ballina (in front of the Ballina Shire Council depot)
  • 50 Bath Street, Wardell (in front of the Wardell Recreational Grounds)
  • Ross Lane, Lennox Head

These stations are controlled by Rous County Council. Anyone wanting to access these fill stations should contact Rous County Council on 02 6623 3800.


What is Liquid Trade Waste?

Liquid trade waste is wastewater generated by businesses which then flows down drains and into the sewerage system. This is treated and recycled at our wastewater treatment plants. Liquid trade waste includes:

  • wastewater from industrial or commercial sites
  • wastewater transported by vehicles such as septic effluent
  • wastewater from boats and ships

Most businesses in the Ballina Shire generate liquid trade waste. The NSW Government and Ballina Council require all businesses in the Ballina Shire to gain approval to discharge liquid trade waste so we can:

  • protect our environment including our waterways
  • protect the people working in our wastewater operations
  • protect our wastewater infrastructure from damage
  • continue to produce high quality recycled water and biosolids.


Why do you need Council approval to discharge trade wastewater?

Accepting trade wastewater into Council's wastewater network has the potential to harm the environment, the health and safety of the community and Council staff, as well as potentially damaging Council equipment.

Council's wastewater treatment plants produce high quality recycled water for use in our homes and public spaces and for release back into waterways.

It is important that Council knows and controls what chemicals and substances are entering the wastewater supply.

If you discharge trade wastewater without Council approval, Council can disconnect your wastewater service. Council can also disconnect or restrict your water service which could have a serious impact on your business.

Application Forms

Does your business generate liquid trade wastewater?

Most businesses generate liquid trade wastewater including:

  • business/commercial premises (eg beautician, florist, hairdresser, hotel, motel, restaurant, café, butcher, service station, supermarket, dentist)
  • community/public premises (including craft club, school, college, university, hospital and nursing home)
  • trade activities (eg mobile carpet cleaner)
  • any commercial activities carried out at a residential premises
  • saleyards, racecourses and stables and kennels that are not associated with domestic households
  • septic tank waste, waste from marine pump-out facilities and established sites for the discharge of pan content from mobile homes/caravans to the sewerage system.

You discharge trade wastewater if your business activities are listed in the table below. If you are unsure, please contact our Water and Trade Waste Technical Officer on 1300 864 444.



Retail Food Restaurants, take-away food outlets, function centres, hospital and nursing home kitchens,   caterers, butchers, delicatessens, retail bakeries

Automotive Service stations, panel beaters, spray painters, car detailers, car wash (hand wash and pressure spray), car wash <12kl/day, mechanical workshops, auto recyclers

Commercial laundries Laundromats, commercial laundries <2 megalitres/year, hospital laundries, nursing home laundries, hotel laundries

Photographic Mini-labs, medical facilities using x-rays, graphic arts, professional photographic   laboratories

Shopping centres with
centralized pre-treatment
Shopping centres with shared pre-treatment other than grease traps

Other Municipal swimming pools, aquatic centres, cooling tower, boiler blowdown