Council aims to meet agreed levels of service when managing drinking water, recycled water and wastewater systems. The levels of service enable Council to set priorities and to balance things such as reliability, responsiveness and costs.
While minimum standards in some areas such as water quality, noise, odour and sludge management are covered by statutory and license requirements, the community may desire levels of service, which are more stringent than the regulatory requirements. These levels of service may be seen as reflecting local community aspirations.
There are also operational levels of service relating to service reliability, responsiveness to complaints, etc, which are not covered by regulation.
The levels of service which Council aims to achieve are documented in our Delivery Program and Operational Plan.
It should be noted that while the Levels of Service are the target that Council aims to meet, they are not intended as a formal customer contract. Rather, Council’s responsibility is to achieve these levels and then to achieve them more cost effectively through a process of continual improvement.