In the event of a pollution incident which involves serious actual or potential harm to the health or safety of human beings or to ecosystems, the Team Leader for Water and Wastewater must immediately notify the following agencies:
EPA Environment Line 131 555
NSW Health 1300 555 555 (pager 149 377)
WorkCover 131 050
Ballina Shire Council Environmental Health Officer 6686 4444 (w) or 6626 6954 after hours
Fire & Rescue 000
Depending on the circumstances of the incident, Ballina Shire Council will also consider contacting the following as soon as practical:
neighbours affected by the incident
Marine Park Authority 6652 3977
NSW Shellfish Program Manager
NSW Shellfish Richmond River Coordinator
oyster farmers
Cape Byron Marine Park Authority 6620 9300
Fisheries, Dept of Primary Industries 1800 043 536